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Setup the environment

For the purposes of this tutorial you will be running Chatfall on your local development machine. Let's get started by first setting up a development database to hold all the user and comments data needed by Chatfall.

Download the server binary

The Chatfall server code is distributed as a single binary executable with no dependencies. If you look at the latest Github release you will see the following assets:

  • chatfall-server.js - Node.js script to run using Bun.
  • chatfall-linux-arm64 - Binary executable for Linux ARM architectures.
  • chatfall-linux-x64 - Binary executable for Linux x64/Intel/AMD architectures.
  • chatfall-macos-arm64 - Binary executable for Mac OS ARM architectures.
  • chatfall-macos-x64 - Binary executable for Mac OS x64/Intel/AMD architectures.
  • chatfall-windows-x64.exe - Binary executable for Windows x64/Intel/AMD architectures.

Download the binary appropriate for your platform. Rename it to chatfall to and make it executable, e.g:

mv chatfall-macos-arm64 chatfall
chmod +x chatfall

Note that you can also choose to download chatfall-server.js and run it on any platform using the Bun package manager: bun chatfall-server.js ...

Once you've downloaded your binary of choice you can see the available commands by running it with the --help option:

Usage: chatfall [options] [command]

Chatfall commenting server

-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command

server Start the Chatfall server
migrate-db Setup and/or upgrade your database to the
latest table schema
help [command] display help for command

You can get further help on any given command by running that command with the --help option, e.g:

./chatfall migrate-db --help

But before we can run the server we need to setup the database and configure the environment variables the server is expecting.


You can run the Chatfall server using the pre-built Docker image if you don't want to manually download the server binary. See the production deployment guide for more details.

Encryption key

When users wish to comment they first have to authenticate themselves to Chatfall using their email address. The server returns a JWT token which then gets stored client-side so that the user doesn't need to login again the next time they visit the page.

This token gets encrypted server-side to prevent spoofing and tampering. The encryption key used for this encryption must be set as an environment variable and must be unique to your Chatfall instance. We recommend using a 512-character hexadecimal string. You can obtain one using Once you have it set the following:

export ENC_KEY="your 512-character hex string here"

Dummy emails

Chatfall relies on Mailgun for sending out its login verification emails.

However, if the mailer environment variables are not set then emails will simply be logged out to the shell. For the purposes of this tutorial we will do just that.

To see email contents in the shell/terminal we need to set the logging level to debug:

export LOG_LEVEL=debug

Production mode

The NODE_ENV environment variable should be set to production:

export NODE_ENV=production

PostgreSQL database

Chatfall requires a PostgreSQL database to store all of its data. The easiest way to get one setup is to use one of the existing cloud hosted providers such as:

For the purposes of this tutorial we will use Neon, but feel free to use your own existing setup.

Once you've setup your database you should have obtained a connection string URL that looks like the following:


Let's set this as an environment variable:

export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://username:password@hostname:port/chatfall?sslmode=require"

At this point we can setup the database tables using the migrate-db CLI command:

./chatfall migrate-db

You can and should run this command whenever you download a new version of the Chatfall server binary. This will ensure that your database schema is always up-to-date.